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Storyteller in Rainbow Polymer Clay
Beaded Narrow Bracelet White Fire Colors
Hair Combs with Loom Beading
Hair Combs with Loom Beading
Buffalo Head Beaded Bolo
Hair Barrettes Alligator Clips Beaded
Hair Barrettes Alligator Clips Beaded
Hair Barrettes Alligator Clips Bright Blue
Brickstitch Beaded TeePee Earrings
Bathroom Soap/Lotion Dispenser & Toothbrush Holder Set Red/Black/Gray
Sugar Skull Brick Stitch Beaded Earrings
Silver Carabiner with Beading
Carabiner with Beading
Small Bowls Polymer Clay Decorated Set of 3
Heart Statement Pendant Necklace
Roses Roses Roses Wooden/Polymer Clay Candlestick
Peyote Stitch Bright Colors Beaded Keychain
Peyote Stitch Multicolored Keychain
Storyteller in Black and White
Storyteller in Red Silkscreen